Pro Video Management System
The easiest way to create your own video sharing platform. Setup VMS Platform on your servers and forget about limitations.
Premium Video Management System
The easiest way to create your own video sharing platform. Setup VMS Platform on your servers and forget about limitations.
Leaflet, OpenStreetMap server side Markers clustering php script
Php Script. Server side markers clustering for OpenStreetMap and OpenBox. Allow to place on your Map up to 100 000 markers.
goIntranet v1.14 - Organize your Employees
Your employees will get to know each other by sight with the Who’s Who directory, where they’ll find the contact information, position and location of any person in the company.
Youtube to GIF converter
Create gif animation from YouTube video.
Image Marker
Allows you to upload images and review them.
SmileBox:) Widget for Wordpress
The widget is designed to stimulate comments, trackbacks and pingbacks on your site, thereby raising the popularity of your site
Серверная кластеризация маркеров для Яндекс Карт
Серверная кластеризация маркеров для Яндекс Карт, АПИ версия 2.1. Позволяет отображать на карте действительно много маркеров, до 100 000. Реализовано на PHP и MySql.
Wordpress Plugin Google Map server side Markers clustering v1.3
Wordpress plugin. Allow to place on your google map more than 10 000 posts as markers. Server side markers clustering for Google Maps API v3.
Google Map server side Markers clustering v3.0
Server side markers clustering for Google Maps API v3. Allow to place on your Google map up to 100 000 markers. Developed on pure PHP and MySQL.